June 2023 Report [English]

I. Demise of Baloch Refugees and Reasons

In Balochistan, the Plight of Refugees Continues Unabated

Thousands of families have migrated and lived as refugees in Balochistan due to ongoing oppression and collective punishment. In June, two Baloch refugees, Dr Shakir Murad and Nawaz Rind, were tragically shot dead in Iran’s Balochistan. These killings are part of a concerning trend that has claimed the lives of individuals like Karima Baloch, who sought refuge in Afghanistan, Iran, Sweden, and Canada, as well as the renowned journalist and writer Sajid Hussain. The international community, particularly the United Nations, needs to prioritize the provision of relief and protection of basic human rights for Baloch refugees, addressing the genocide and economic hardships they face.

II. Protest Rallies of Relatives of Forcibly Disappeared Persons on Eid-ul-Adha

Demanding Answers: Families of the Disappeared Mobilize

On Eid-ul-Adha, instead of celebrations, relatives of forcibly disappeared persons in Balochistan organized protest rallies in Quetta and Karachi. Led by Sami Deen, the daughter of Dr. Deen Muhammad, who has been missing for 14 years, these rallies drew significant participation from diverse backgrounds. The ongoing struggle against extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, and collective punishment by Pakistani forces calls for justice and answers regarding the fate of the missing loved ones.

III. Situation of Enforced Disappearances in Balochistan

Balochistan’s Silent Crisis: The Growing Menace of Enforced Disappearances

Enforced disappearances in Balochistan have left a trail of anxiety, fear, and mental distress throughout the society. Despite efforts to address this heinous crime, the number of enforced disappearances continues to rise. In June alone, 35 cases were reported, with only 12 individuals returning home after enduring severe physical and psychological violence. Media blackout, internet shutdowns, and communication restrictions contribute to the underreporting of cases. The long-term impact on the mental and physical well-being of the affected individuals has resulted in social withdrawal, further exacerbating the suffering within Baloch society.

IV. Extrajudicial Killings by Pakistani Forces in Balochistan

Impunity Prevails: The Cycle of Extrajudicial Killings Continues

Pakistani forces and paramilitary groups in Balochistan persist in their campaign of extrajudicial killings, often disguised as fake encounters. This pattern of violence, including mass executions of forcibly disappeared individuals, remains a grave concern. In June, 9 people fell victim to extrajudicial killings, while the bodies of four previously disappeared individuals were buried without proper investigation. The government’s lack of action and response to demands for the identification and DNA testing of abandoned bodies in Mastung district underscores the urgency for accountability and justice.

This monthly report sheds light on the pressing issues faced by the Baloch people, including the tragic deaths of Baloch refugees, the mobilization of families in protest against enforced disappearances, the alarming situation of ongoing enforced disappearances, and the cycle of extrajudicial killings. The international community, particularly the United Nations, must take notice of these atrocities, prioritize the protection of human rights, and work towards a resolution that brings an end to the suffering in Balochistan.

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